The four mail artists:
E R G  F
About the mail-artists' group com°post:

Ever since Edgar Hohl (art teacher and designer), Reinhild Mackowiak and Gabriela Rocker (both art historians), and Franz Schiermeier (architect and publisher → web site) decided to become mail artists more than 30 years ago, they have been involved in a variety of mail-art projects. Although initially they dedicated their artistic skills almost entirely to designing and modifying invitation and greetings cards, they soon got inspired by the work of other artists, e. g. Aristide Maillol ("Daphnis und Cloe") and Joseph Beuys. Lateron, social, political and cultural events, such as the German reunification (a stimulant of the banana mail-art project) and the 25th anniversary of the Münsterlandmuseum located in the Vischering castle (Westphalia/Germany), spurred them to mail-art activities as well. As a reward for many years of intensive work, they were twice given the chance to present postcards in two different mail-art exhibitions entitled "Auf allen Vieren" (Munich 1996) and "Burg Vischering im Bild - Ansichten zwischen Kunst und Kitsch" (Burg Vischering 1997). For more details click here: History